Insights into AppleScript

I recently encountered a paper written by William Cook about a mysterious little programming language that even many programming languages researchers don’t know about: AppleScript. Yep, that’d be the humble, notoriously English-like Mac scripting language that’s renown to be slow and annoying more than anything else. The paper is a fascinating look at the history of AppleScript, and details many insights and innovations that were largely unknown. Here’s some things that I was pleasantly surprised about.

Cook had never used a Mac before he was employed to work on AppleScript: in fact, he had a very strong UNIX background, and had a great amount of experience with UNIX shell scripting. So, one can instantly dismiss the notion that whoever designed AppleScript had “no idea about the elegance of interoperating UNIX tools”: a remark that I’m sure many would have made about the language (myself included). Cook even remarks that Apple’s Automator tool, introduced in Mac OS 10.4 Tiger, was quite similar to UNIX pipes:

The most interesting thing about Automator is that each action has an input and an output, much like a command in a Unix pipe. The resulting model is quite intuitive and easy to use for simple automation tasks.

More on UNIX pipes, he writes that

the sed stream editor can create the customized text file, which is then piped into the mail command for delivery. This new script can be saved as a mail-merge command, which is now available for manual execution or invocation from other scripts.

He then continues with something seemingly obvious, but is nevertheless something I have never thought about UNIX scripts:

One appealing aspect of this model is its compositionality [emphasis mine]: users can create new commands that are invoked in the same way as built-in commands.”

Indeed! In a way, the ability to save executable shell scripts is the equivalent of writing a named function to denote function composition in a functional programming language: it enables that composed code to be re-used and re-executed. It’s no coincidence that the Haskell scripts used in Don Stewart’s h4sh project are semantically quite similar to their equivalent Bourne shell scripts, where Haskell’s laziness emulates the blocking nature of pipes.

More on UNIX: Cook later writes that

A second side effect of pervasive scripting is uniform access to all system data. With Unix, access to information in a machine is idiosyncratic, in the sense that one program was used to list print jobs, another to list users, another for files, and another for hardware configuration. I envisioned a way in which all these different kinds of information could be referenced uniformly… A uniform naming model allows every piece of information anywhere in the system, be it an application or the operating system, to be accessed and updated uniformly.

The uniform naming model sounds eerily familiar who had read Hans Reiser’s white paper about unified namespaces. Has the UNIX world recognised yet just how powerful a unified namespace can be? (For all the warts of the Windows registry, providing the one structure for manipulating configuration data can be a huge benefit.)

Cook was also quite aware of formal programming language theory and other advanced programming languages: his Ph.D thesis was in fact on “A Denotational Semantics of Inheritance”, and his biography includes papers on subtyping and F-bounded polymorphism. Scratch another urban myth that AppleScript was designed by someone who had no idea about programming language theory. He makes references to Self and Common LISP as design influences when talking about AppleScript’s design. However,

No formal semantics was created for the language, despite an awareness that such tools existed. One reason was that only one person on the team was familiar with these tools, so writing a formal semantics would not be an effective means of communication… Sketches of a formal semantics were developed, but the primary guidance for language design came from solving practical problems and user studies, rather than a-priori formal analysis.

(There’s some interesting notes regarding user studies later in this post.) Speaking of programming language influences,

HyperCard, originally released in 1987, was the most direct influence on AppleScript.

Ah, HyperCard… I still remember writing little programs on HyperCard stacks in high school programming camps when I was a young(er) lad. It’s undoubtedly one of the great programming environment gems of the late 80s (and was enormously accessible to kids at the same time), but that’s an entire story unto itself…

The Dylan programming language is also mentioned at one point, as part of an Apple project to create a new Macintosh development environment (named Family Farm). ICFPers will be familiar with Dylan since it’s consistently in the top places for the judge’s prize each year; if you’re not familiar with it, think of it as Common LISP with a saner syntax.

AppleScript also had a different approach to inter-appication messaging. Due to a design flaw in the classic MacOS, AppleScript had to package as much information into its inter-application data-passing as possible, because context switches between applications on early MacOS systems were very costly:

A fine-grained communication model, at the level of individual procedure or method calls between remote objects, would be far too slow… it would take several seconds to perform this script if every method call required a remote message and process switch. As a result, traditional RPC and CORBA were not appropriate… For many years I believed that COM and CORBA would beat the AppleScript communication model in the long run. However, COM and CORBA are now being overwhelmed by web services, which are loosely coupled and use large granularity objects.

Web Services, eh? Later in the paper, Cook mentions:

There may also be lessons from AppleScript for the design of web services. Both are loosely coupled and support large-granularity communication. Apple Events data descriptors are similar to XML, in that they describe arbitrary labeled tree structures without fixed semantics. AppleScript terminologies are similar to web service description language (WDSL) files. One difference is that AppleScript includes a standard query model for identifying remote objects. A similar approach could be useful for web services.

As for interesting programming language features,

AppleScript also supports objects and a simple transaction mechanism.

A transaction mechanism? Nice. When was the last time you saw a transaction mechanism built into a programming language (besides SQL)? Speaking of SQL and domain-specific languages, do you like embedded domain-specific languages, as is the vogue in the programming language research community these days? Well, AppleScript did it over a decade ago:

The AppleScript parser integrates the terminology of applications with its built-in language constructs. For example, when targeting the Microsoft Excel application, spreadsheet terms are known by the parser—nouns like cell and formula, and verbs like recalculate. The statement tell application “Excel” introduces a block in which the Excel terminology is available.

Plus, if you’ve ever toyed with the idea of a programming language that could be written with different syntaxes, AppleScript beat you to that idea as well (and actually implemented it, although see the caveat later in this note):

A dialect defines a presentation for the internal language. Dialects contain lexing and parsing tables, and printing routines. A script can be presented using any dialect—so a script written using the English dialect can be viewed in Japanese… Apple developed dialects for Japanese and French. A “professional” dialect which resembled Java was created but not released… There are numerous difficulties in parsing a programming language that resembles a natural language. For example, Japanese does not have explicit separation between words. This is not a problem for language keywords and names from the terminology, but special conventions were required to recognize user-defined identifiers. Other languages have complex conjugation and agreement rules, which are difficult to implement. Nonetheless, the internal representation of AppleScript and the terminology resources contain information to support these features. A terminology can define names as plural or masculine/feminine, and this information can be used by the custom parser in a dialect.

Jesus, support for masculine and feminine nouns in a programming language? Hell yeah, check this out:

How cool is that? Unfortunately, Apple dropped support for multiple dialects in 1998:

The experiment in designing a language that resembled natural languages (English and Japanese) was not successful. It was assume that scripts should be presented in “natural language” so that average people could read and write them. This lead to the invention of multi-token keywords and the ability to disambiguate tokens without spaces for Japanese Kanji. In the end the syntactic variations and flexibility did more to confuse programmers than help them out. The main problem is that AppleScript only appears to be a natural language on the surface. In fact is an artificial language, like any other programming language… It is very easy to read AppleScript, but quite hard to write it… When writing programs or scripts, users prefer a more conventional programming language structure. Later versions of AppleScript dropped support for dialects. In hindsight, we believe that AppleScript should have adopted the Programmerís Dialect that was developed but never shipped.

A sad end to a truly innovative language feature—even if the feature didn’t work out. I wonder how much more AppleScript would be respected by programmers if it did use a more conventional programming language syntax rather than being based on English. Cook seems to share these sentiments: he states in the closing paragraph to the paper that

Many of the current problems in AppleScript can be traced to the use of syntax based on natural language; however, the ability to create pluggable dialects may provide a solution in the future, by creating a new syntax based on more conventional programming language styles.

Indeed, it’s possible to write Perl and Python code right now to construct and send AppleEvents. Some of you will know that AppleScript is just one of the languages supported by the Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) present in Mac OS X. The story leading to this though, is rather interesting:

In February of 1992, just before the first AppleScript alpha release, Dave Winer convinced Apple management that having one scripting language would not be good for the Macintosh… Dave had created an alternative scripting language, called Frontier… when Dave complained that the impending release of AppleScript was interfering with his product, Apple decided the AppleScript should be opened up to multiple scripting languages. The AppleScript team modified the OSA APIs so that they could be implemented by multiple scripting systems, not just AppleScript… Frontier, created by Dave Winer, is a complete scripting and application development environment. It is also available as an Open Scripting component. Dave went on to participate in the design of web services and SOAP. Tcl, JavaScript, Python and Perl have also been packaged as Open Scripting components.

Well done, Dave!

As for AppleScript’s actual development, there’s an interesting reference to a SubEthaEdit/Gobby/Wiki-like tool that was used for their internal documentation:

The team made extensive use of a nearly collaborative document management/writing tool called Instant Update. It was used in a very wiki-like fashion, a living document constantly updated with the current design. Instant Update provides a shared space of multiple documents that could be viewed and edited simultaneously by any number of users. Each userís text was color-coded and time-stamped.

And also,

Mitch worked during the entire project to provide that documentation, and in the process managed to be a significant communication point for the entire team.

Interesting that their main documentation writer was the communication point for the team, no?

Finally, AppleScript went through usability testing, a practice practically unheard of for programming languages. (Perl 6’s apocalypses and exegeses are probably the closest thing that I know of to getting feedback from users, as opposed to the language designers or committee simply deciding on everything without feedback from their actual userbase!)

Following Appleís standard practice, we user-tested the language in a variety of ways. We identified novice users and asked them “what do you think this script does?” As an example, it turned out that the average user thought that after the command put x into y the variable x no longer retained its old value. The language was changed to use copy x into y instead.

Even more interesting:

We also conducted interviews and a round-table discussion about what kind of functionality users would like to see in the system.

The survey questions looked like this:

The other survey questions in the paper were even more interesting; I’ve omitted them in this article due to lack of space.

So, those were the interesting points that I picked up when I read the paper. I encourage you to read it if you’re interested in programming languages: AppleScript’s focus on pragmatics, ease of use for non-programmers, and its role in a very heavily-based GUI environment makes it a very interesting case study. Thankfully, many Mac OS X applications are now scriptable so that fluent users can automate them effectively with Automator, AppleScript, or even Perl, Python and Ruby and the UNIX shell these days.

Honestly, the more I discover about Apple’s development technologies, the more impressed I am with their technological prowess and know-how: Cocoa, Carbon, CoreFoundation, CoreVideo, QuickTime, vecLib and Accelerate, CoreAudio, CoreData, DiscRecording, SyncServices, Quartz, FSEvents, WebKit, Core Animation, IOKit… their developer frameworks are, for the most part, superbly architectured, layered, and implemented. I used to view AppleScript as a little hack that Apple brought to the table to satisfy the Mac OS X power users, but reading the paper has changed my opinion on that. I now view AppleScript in the same way as QuickTime: incredible architecture and power, with an outside interface that’s draconian and slightly evil because it’s been around and largely unchanged for 15 freaking years.

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