Yay, New Computing Books

So now that I'm back from my f*ck-off-awesome trips to Melbourne and New Zealand (more on that later when I get a chance to blaerg about it), I am greeted with the following lovely selection of books from amazon.com:

I guess I'll be doing some bedtime reading for the next few weeks. (Note that I'm not actually a games programmer by trade—nor really a C++ programmer these days—but games coding tends to have interesting constraints such as high performance and memory management, which encourages a much better understanding of lower-level problems.) I'm a little of the way through Refactoring to Patterns, and it's great so far.

In other news, I think these three books in a row fit the definition of Alanic rather well:

Seriously, I didn't move 'em next to each other or anything. I especially love it how Java in a Nutshell looks like it's about 1,000 pages. Nutshell my arse.
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